Hoadly - BX5136 H6

The Reafonableneft indeed, if it be found at laf{ to be built upon good Reafon. But I hope setter things: and in order to make appear what I deign under this head, I'hall now ex- amine the frength of every one of thefe Arguments, in the order in which I have nowpropofed them. The Firfl and Second are built upon the fame principle, and may be uni- ted together. The import of them is this, We dare not lay aliide the Publick Exercife of our fihiniflry, becaufe we can- , not do it without being guilty of Per- fidious breaking our Ordination-Vow by which we obligedour felves to the diligent performance of our Miniflry; and of Sacri- lege, in alienating Perfons who have ken confecrated to God. This reafoning , we fee , is founded upon that vow You had before made, and that dedication by which Thu had folemnly given Your felves up to the fer- vice of God in the Miniflry. Now, I confefs I know not what it was that You explicitely promifed, when You devoted Your felves to the fervice of God in the Mini /ry; but I am fure nothing ought to be implied in fuch a Vow, and fuch a dedication,