Hoadly - BX5136 H6

ofCONFORMITY. T. dedication, that is contrary out dedic ted of that God to whom (elves , or iriconfiftent with the good of the Chriflian Church, b in Vow which to You obliged your felves y Mini f1er. This , I believe , You will eafily grant me, if judges in the Cafe, that no V©w to in any particular way (let it be never fo folemn) can be fuópoitedto l oblige, to when the performance difervice and difhonour of God; and that no dedication ofyour felves to the fervice of the Church of Chrift in one certain way, can bind You, when that parti- cular way proves (in its confequences) aprejudice and differvice to the Church of Chrifi. For this Vow and Dedication were founded upon the fuppofal of doing good ; and were determined to one parti- cular way, confidered as the way in which You coúld do fervice to the Church. But when the time comes that You cannot keep in this way without doing hurt, and being the occafion of mifchief to the Church of God; this Vow and Dedication are fo far from obligingYou to continue in this particular way, that they do real ly oblige You to forfake it, as they are founded