The Keafonablenefr founded upon the general obligation You and all Men are under, of doing what is moll for the honour of God and (ervice of the Church. TheVowwas, to promote the Glory of God, and good of that fo- ciety to which You belong : and you had not determined your felves to one certain way, unlefs in order to thefe ends. Now, If thefe Ends maybe better pro moted by you in forfaking this way, than in continuing in it, You areneither per1iclious, nor Sacrilegious, if You defer: it: but rather, ifYou continue in it. For by continuing in it, ifthe Cafe be fo, You aft againft the main and manifeft deign of it. Remember therefore, that You may be perfidious breakers of it, whiff: You look to the letter, and negle& the intent; and Sacrilegious Deferters, whiff: You continue the Publick Exercife of Your Minrflry, and refufe to promote the honour and fervice of that God to whom You dedicated your felves, by laying it aide, and fludying to do good by other methods. He is not perfidious who as againft the literal fenfe of his Vow, becaufe it is agreeable to the firít and original defign of it, that he Mould do fo : nor is he facrilegious, who with- draws