of CoNPORMItY. draws from the Sacred Office to which he had dedicated himfelf, becaufe he can new no longer do th Church he once p p ofed to himfelf, this flation ; but can do much more by betaking himfelf to another. On the contrary, This very imputation will be found to lie heaviest upon thofe, who are refolved to come up to the Letter of their Tow, and to keep to the O ce to which they have dedicated themselves, though they do mijchief by fo do- ing. As for the Sacrilege They are guilty of, who would alienate You from the ServiceofGod in a Miniflerial way, which You (peak of in this Place; Every Man fhall sear his own burthen. That any perron knowingly, and willingly defign- ed to rob the Church of the Labours of any truly good and ufeful, Men, it íhocks me to think. But if they did, The Faults of others are neither our faults, nor excufes for our faults. And this is of no relation to the point now before us. What I have faid is fufficient to thew, how little this Vow and Dedication, when You were ordained, have to do with this !.