14 The Reafonablenef? this Que/lion, Whetheryou ought tocontinue the PublickExercife ofyour Miniflry or no ? For this Vow can oblige You to it no farther, than as it is for the greater good and fervice of the Chriflian Church ; and whether it be fo, or no, depends whol- ly upon other Confderaticns. If upon Examination, it be found to be fo, I grant indeed this Solemn Vow will aggra- vate the guilt of thole who defert it, be- caufe then they defert it againfl the In- tent as well as the Letter of this Vow. But if it be not found fo, this Vow is no Argument, as it (lands by it felf, for thecontinuance of your Publick Miniflry, but indeed againfl it. The right way therefore muff be, firft to fhew from other Arguments, that it is for thehonour and fervice of God and his Church, that you fhould publickly execute the office of Miniflers ; and then to argue from your Vow, to the continuanceof your Publick MinOrations. But your Vow alone can never prove it to be your duty to con- tinue them, becaufe it was not, in the defign of it, abfolute, that you would publickly Minifler in the Church, whether it fhould be for the good and fervice of the Church, or no; but wholly conditional, and