of CoNPORIAIT't. and refpeaing the good ereore confider the Church. We m what other Reafons there are for your behaviour, and what other Arguments fuf- cient to vindicate your practice; that is, fu.fhcient to prove it your duty to continue the Publick Exercife of your Minifiry. I proceed therefore to TheThird Argument, which is this,. We cannot lay afidc the Publick Ex- ercife of our Mini/lry without the Sin of Unfaithfulness, Cruelty, and Unmerciful. nefs, and without incurring the guilt of ruining Souls byflopping our Mouths. There is another Argument to this purpofe, taken from the necefties of the People, which I (hall have occafion to confider prefently. But This now be- fore us is founded , not upon the real neceffities of the People, and the real danger they were in without your of fiftance, but upon the entreaties, and importunate requefts of force of the peo- ple, the Care of whole fouls Tou had un- dertaken, and upon their declaring that they would charge Thu with the negla of their fouls, ifyouforfook them. And your king fought tofor help, is made the Argu- ment for your affording your help in this publick