Hoadly - BX5136 H6

16 The Rea¡enablenef3 'niblick Manner. I do not doubt indeed; but that many of your people might be induced by their own arIeaions to you, and many by Your difcourfe with them, to requeft You ílill to Minifler to them. But how doth it follow from thence, that therefore you ought ? Are the People fit judges of your duty, and direCtours of your practice? Nay, Have you a Ied, or do You aCt, as if You were guided by this confideration ; as if it were your judgment, that you contra- âed fuch a relation to the Flock in which You once Minifter, that a removal be- comes unlawful, if any of them requeít your flay ? Did you never remove from thefe People, who thus entreated You ? Do you never remove from one Congre- gation to another ? Or, Are the People always content to part with You, when You would have them fo? and, Is this Argument only good when You are fuc- ceeded by a Alinifler of the Eflablifhed Church,and not when You are fucceeded by one from amongft your felves ? Are the People fuch Excellent Difcerners, that their judgment is brought into the Ac- count ; and have not You had rearm Your felves to complain, fometimes of their