Hoadly - BX5136 H6

x S The Keafonahlenefi cient tofecureyourfalvation ;Iwouldrun all hazards rather than forfake Tou. But 'can- not think the Cafe is fo bad. You who make this Requeft to me, are Perfons who are con- cerned for the falvation ofyour Souls, and talkmuch oftheCare ofthem; and therefore I cannot but think that you arefen(ble what You owe toyour felves ; and refolved to do your own duties. Andifyou be, Imull tell You that the Church of England is a Church in which there is excellent Provifion foryour Edification, and increafe in all truly Chriftian Graces. You have a good, or, at leafl,a tolerableLiturgy,to 411your united devotions, and that more fitfor the folem. pities of Publicly Worfhip than many of the fudden effufions Tou have beretoforejoin- edwith. In this Church nopart ofGod's Will ishidor obfcured, or enervated and render'd ufelefs ; and You may belitre of hearingfe- veral portions of his Word whenever you attend upon the Services appointed in it. Andyou neednot doubt, whatever my Suce. cefur be, but that you may make con(dera- ble proficiency in the Paths of the Gofpel, wider fuch a difpenfation, if You be not wanting to Tour(elves ; as Ibelieveyouwill not, if Imay judge by this concern You now e.N:prefs for your eternal Intereft. Tou can hardly