of CONFORMITY, hardly liveunderfobada Minifler, but that He will le able to teach Tou many a ufeful Le f n. But however that be ; there is ex- cellentfoodprovdedfor Tou by the very con- fiitutioo of this Church, which he cannot keep from Tou ; what will nourifh Tou unto Eternal Life, ifTou hinder not theBell of it your (elves. Yourfalvation depends not upon his Abilities ; nor areyou toentruflyour [elves to theguidance ofhimor any manupan Earth : but your Belief andPraelice is to be built on another Foundation. The Care of your Souls lies chiefly uponyour [elves ; and if Tou do your part, and attendferioufly upon the Publick Service, and do not place Edification in any thing but an Improve- ment in true Goodnefs andPiety, the means of this are not wanting in the Church of England; nor willyour Salvation be much endangered in fuck a con(litution. IfIHill live among(l Tou in another capacity, Imay be ufeful to your Souls without the Publick Exercife of my Minifiry. And if I do not, it is aPile- Nation, that your Cafe is defperate ; and it is what I think my felf obliged to declare toyou, that the Provifon made for you in the Church of England is whatyou ought to be very thankful to Al- mighty God for. Remember that you are B z to