° L 20 The Keafonable ieJ to regard the Peace of the Church, as we/f as your own humours and fancies; and to confult it, whenever.your own Salvation is not in danger : which I know none will affirm it to be, in the Eftablifhed Church, but the moil violent andmofl uncharitable Separatifs ; of whomye ought to beware. This, I think, is what might molt jufly be returned in anfwer to thefe un- reafonable demands, and threatnings of fame of your People. This is what fome of You, nay, all of You with whom I am now chiefly concerned, could with a fate confcience have laid : and what, T dare fay, You have not fcrupled to fay on other occafions. And, if this may juftly be &id ; then the Argument taken from the Requefis offorce of your People can fignifie nothing to your Jufti- fication. For it appears from hence, that their Requefls might have been an- fwered another way, and that they did not neceflarily oblige You to the conti- nuance ofyour Publick lIiniflry. But here you fpeak as if the Authority ofthe Magi[Irate, were the only Argument to engage you to Silence ; and talk of a Solemn Obligationyou were under toa higher Authority, tofuñlyour Minifiry, as you were able,