of CONFORMITY. 21 able, whenfought tofor help, Formy pare, I urge not the hare Author:<y ofan Earthly Power : for it .ed i have but a mean Opinion of the Argument drawn from thence, in die , /lion now beforeus. But I urge this, whica is included in what I have already advanced, That you are under no Obligation to God to continue the Publick Exercife ofyour Minfflry, be you neverfo muchfought tofor help, when it is morefor the honour ofGod, and thegood of the Chriflian World,thatyoulhonldnot; when thenece :tiesofthefePeople, whohaveIncha Concernfor their Souls, as to demandyour help,maybefervedwithoutyourPublick Mi- niftrations ; whenyoumaypromote tbepeace ofthe world,andfalvationofyour Neighbours in other ways ; and therefore, that this Reafoning fignifies very little. So that your aggravating this part of your Caufe with comparing the neglea of thefe De- mands of your People, with the negleá- ing tofeed your Children, or to relieve the Poor and diflrefed, upon the Command of the Magifirate, íhews only how willing you are to fay what may move the AP- [lions of the World about you, not what may convince the judgments of Men of Thought and Confideration. If thefe I33 C[ès