22 The Keafonablenef? Cafes be parallel, it is plain from your practice, either that you judge it not to be inhumane and barbarous to negleE to feedyour Children, when they are other - wife provided for, and it is expedient for you to remove from them ; and to relieve thepoor in one particular way, when there is no danger of their flat ving for want of your relief, and force confidera- tions make it better that you íhould not your felves relieve them in this particular way : 1 4äy, It is plain from your Prag &ice,,cither that you judge not fuch neg- letis, in fuch circumf}ances, to be Inhu- mane and Barbarous ; or that you have becn,andare,fometimes guiltyof Barbari- ty, and Inhumanity. For you do not fcru- ple to remove from one Congregation to another (tho' it be a venture who (hall fucceed you) upon Confiderations of much leffer moment than what might have induced you to lay afide the Publick Exercifeof your MiniflryTome Years ago. Nay, I doubt not, but that youmay have removed (at leaft, that you effeemed it not unlawful fo to do) from thefe very People, who fo importunately demanded your flay amongft them, to exercifeyour Publick iWiniflry in fore other Congrega. t'on.,