of CONFORMITY. Lion, and contrat a new relation to ano- ther People : And yet by this Removal you are ejeffed, and filmed as far as they are concerned. And if fo, where is the force of this Argument, on which fo great weight feems to be laid, Some of thePeople, the careofwhofe Souls we hadundertaken, declared, that theywould charge us with the negleé of them, unlefs we continued publickly to Minifter amongfl them, Therefore, it is our duty to Minu tterpub- lickly, not only in this place, and among thefe perfons, but in whatever other places, and among't whatever other Perfons, we think fit, throughout the whole Nation? Youmay fee from hence, how few,how very few of you who continued to Mini- fter publickly, this Argument will excufe; and that it was hardly worth your while to mention it, fuppofing it to have that weight in it you imagine it to have: Much lets, confidering the weaknefs of it in it's utmoft force. I (hall add but one thing moreupon thisflead,whichyou neednot me to put you in mind of, That fuppo- fing any hadperifhed, and been loft, whom you were able to have ajjtedand inftrutied, you are not chargeable with this fa confe- B 4 pence.