Hoadly - BX5136 H6

4 The Reafonablenef? pence ofyourflence; lince this muff have come to pats through their negleaof their own Souls; thrô their not regarding the Legal Provifon made for them; their not attending upon thePublick Service ofthe Church ; their not receiving thePortions of Gad's Word read to them, and the Infiru- âions given, with a ferions and Religious frameofmind, and a delire ofprofiting by them; in one word, thrô their own fault, not thrôyours. And therefore,Their Souls would God have required at their own hands, and not atyours. The Fourth Argument in defence of your Continuance in the Miniftry after a Fublick manner, is this, Wecannot lay a/Idle the PublickExercifeof our Mini/lry, without incurring the guilt of hiding our Talent, and expo'ng our'elves to a like Treatment with that of the Unprofi- table Servant in the Gofpel, Matth. 2 5. 30. Therefore we dare not do it. In anfwer to this, I deny not, but that many of Tou might have been very ufe- ful and profitable Servants (in theOffice of the Mini/lry) had you thought fit to con- tinue in the EftablifhedChurch: But I deny that you would have been judged and condemned as Unprofitable Servants, had yoLi