Hoadly - BX5136 H6

The Contents. The Third of the ScrupledTerms of Minifterial Confor- mity, viz.. The Oathof Canonical Obedience, and the Prornife of Obedience to the Ordinary, &c. propofed, P. 135. Two 144ifakes obferved in the drawing up of this Objeflion, p. 136. The Occafion and Meaning of the Oath enquired into, p. 137, to 141. I. Obj. That this Oath carries with it a plain Obligation to comply with the Canons, without leaving Perfons at Liber- ty, anfwered,' p. 14 t, to 149. The Parallel between the Oath of a ÿufiice of Peace, and this Oath conlidered. p. 150. t z. Obj. Becaufe the Epifcopal Government is managed by Chancellour'i Courts, @jc. anfwered, p. 15z. The Interpretation of this Oath here laid down, and their Interpretation ofit, compared, p. 153, 154. Of the Obedience due to the Canons P. 155. Conclufion, P. 159 PART II. TH E Defign of this Part propofed, viz. An Anfwer H. To the Arguments propofed in Defence of the Pub- lick Miniflry of the Diffenters. III. To the Arguments propofed in Vindication óf the Diffenting Laity. p. I, 2, 3. All the Arguments propofed in Defence of their Publick .Miniftrÿ