t6 The ReafonableneJ? fulted not the honour ofGod ; regarded not the improvement of thofe Abilities and Opportunities He had of doing good ; but determined to live idle and ufelefs in the World. Whereas your Cafe, as I fuppofe, would have been quite otherwife. Had you laid down the Publick Exercifeof yourMiniflry,it would have been out ofregard to the Honour of God, andgoodofhis Church; out of refpeâ to your great Lord and Mailer; with a refolution of doing all the good poffible to the World about you in other Stations, and carrying forward the Salvation of your Neighbours in the ways of Peace, Unity, and Concord : and how different is this from the Cafe of Him who had Opportunities and Abilities of promoting the Service of God, and ab- folutely refufed to make ufe of them ? Nay, God knows, whether, in the ri- gour of Juftice, your Pratlice be not more parallel to that of this Unprofitable Servant, than your Silence would have been. It will all turn upon this one point, whether of the Two, confidering all Circumflances, had been more for the Honour of God your Maier, and your fudge. If it be found at laft, that the ad- vantages