28 The Reafonablenefr many Miniflers in thepublick Churches ha; -Ding more to look after thanfeveral would be fuficient for. If I underítand this Argument aright, Youdo not mean by it, that the Private care of thefe Minifiers cannot be fuf- ficient for their People: for though this might be an Argument for your Private Affi(/ance, yet you could not produce it as an Argument for your Publick Mini_ //rations. But what you mean by it muff be this, that there are more People in fome Parifbes that-can pofiibly enjoy the Publick Careof their EflablifbedMini,j/er; that can have the opportunity of Com- munion in the Publick Afemblies, and the Offices of Religion: and that it is for the fake of thefe that you continue your Publick Minif/rations. This, I fay, is what muff be meant by it, as it is urged in defence of your Publick not Private Mini¡lry; and in anfwer to it, You muff pardon me, if I tell You, that it is not fincere in You to allege, in vindication of your Publick Miniflrations, what, you know your (elves, is not the true Reafon of your continuing them. And tho' what you here urge may, in your opinions, re. fled