Hoadly - BX5136 H6

of CONFORMITY. 29 lied upon the Eflablifhed Church; yet, fuppofing the matter to be true, it muff a little reflex upon your felves, when it appears, that fuch a Prallice as yours cannot poflibly be founded upon filch a Reafon as this. Not that I grant the necefties of the People to be fo great, and preifìng, as you would have the world believe them to be; for the Churches and other places for Religious Afemblies annexed to them, in which they may meet, and pray, and hear God's word, are not fo little in many of thofe Parifhes, which have given occafion to thisplea, but that they will hold many more people than ordi- narily frequent them, and with no great inconvenience. And, fuppofing they will not, the People of thele Parifhes may as eafily frequent the Churches of their Neighbouring Parifhes, which are not lo large, as many from thofe Neighbouring Parifhes frequent your Separate Aj m- blies. And if fo, where is this undenia- ble neceffity for your Publick Minifra- tions ? But what I now infift upon is this, that this cannot be the true Reafòn of your Pradice, and therefore ought not to be alleged in juftification of it You