of CONFORMITY. how can You allege it as an Argument for your Publick PraFice, that the People of your Congregations have no opportu- nity, in the EJlablifhedChurch, ofattend - ing upon God's worthip; when none of your People will give this as the Reafon of their Attendance upon You ? We have not the leaft reafon to think, that You would lay atïde the Publick Exercife of your Miniflry, had all your People there opportunities you (peak of. We find you all generally as little fcrupulous of Minifiring Publickly where the Ella- blifhed Miniflers are able to take care of the Souls in their Parifhes; where the Churches Rand very thick, and are capa- cious enough to hold many more than thole that belong to them ; as of Mi- niflring in the moll Populous Parithes. We fee you but little concerned that the People thould make ufe of the op- portunities they have in the way E_fla- blifheel : and not at all backward to re- ceive and encourage any, though un- der no fuch Necefities as You here re- prefent them. And while we fee and obferve thefè Pratlices, we cannot but wonder at the mention of this Prin- ciple; and therefore appeal to all the World, 3t