32 The Reafenablenefß World, if this be not very odd Rea. lòning. The People in many Parifhes have not the pollìbilityofreaping any benefit from the publickLabours of their SettledMini_ fler; that is, of attending upon God's Publick Worfhip, and of hearing his Word ; Therefore, We think it our duty to fettle our felves in thefe Parifhes, to Minifler in Pullick, not to thofe perlons who come to us becaufe they have no opportunity of attendance upon God's Ordinances in the EflablifhedChurch, but to thofe, whowould never attend upon theworíhip ofGod in their Parifh-Church9 though they could do it with the great-, eft Eafe ; to thofe who come from other Parifhes where they lie under no fuch difficulties ; in a word, to all, who will attend upon us, let the motive be what it will. And, what is more, Therefore, we think it our duty not only to fettle our felves in thefe Parifhes; but in any others, where we think fir, as opportunity offers it felf. I hope I have not mifreprefented your Pratlice ; the Reafons for which we are now enquiring into. And to advance in defence