of CONFORMITY. defence of it, the necejities ofa few Pa- rifhes is to advance a Plea, which, when we compare it with your Pratlice we find utterly infufficient to defend thofe of You who have fettled in thele very Parifhes ; much more, thole of You who have not fcrupled to lilinifler pus- lickly, where ever an opportunity bath offered it felf: A Plea utterly inconfiflent with the Pratlice of any amongfl You, that have either encouraged others who Minifler where no fuch necefities can be pretended, or, have Miniflred there 1hur^ felves; and therefore, utterly infufficient to defend the Pratlice of any one ofYou all, that I ever heard of. This You mutt be fenfible of your felves, unlefs you may be fuppofed ignorant of your owrì confiant and proteflèd Praâice. And therefore, I fay again that, how plaufi- ble foever this Argument feem, and how full of concern for the People; yet, it is not fair for you to urge it in defence of your Pratlice, whilft it is fo manifefi that your Pratlicecannot be defended by it The Sixth Argument in defence of Your Publick Minifirations is this, PART II, 33