Hoadly - BX5136 H6

of CONFORMITY. By infufficient and unqualified, I think therefore, that You muff mean Ignorant, and unable to teach and inflrud the People. And I fuppofe, that You donot here (peakof the Infufficiency of .7Winiflers, with refpet to thole Private Labours which are neceffary in a Parifh ; (becaufe this can be no Argument for any but Private Labours in your (elves) but with refpec`t to their Publick Labours and In- flruaíons : and that what You would have us underfland here, comes to this, That the infuftciency offorce Pari/hMi- niflers is fo great, that the Souls of the Peopleare endangeredby their attendance upon their Publick Miniflrations, and that it is neceffary, on this account, to Mi- nifler Publickly in afeparate way. And if this be what You mean, I have three things to offer in anfwer to this Argu- ment ; not denying but that there may be Miniflers in the Eflablifbed Church, in this fenfe, infuficient. In the firfl Place, This is not a fuflicient reafon for the People tojoin withMiniflers of Churches feparated from the Church of England and confequently, it is not a fufTicient reafon for You to continue your fepa. rate Publick Miniflrations for their advan- C; rage 35