36 The Keafonablenef? tage, Secondly, in the Places where this Plea can be urged with the beft grace, it is very great odds whether the Peo- ple get any thing by going over to thole Minihers who feparate from the E/tablifhed Church. Thirdly, As I told You under the Taft Head, fo I tell You freely under this, That, how good a reafon foever this may be, You know that it is not the true Reafon of your Publick Miniflrations. Firft, tuppotîng it true, That there are fundry Mïniffers in the EflablifhedChurch, ïnfufficient; that is, ignorant, and not able to teach and inftruct their People; I fay, this is not a fu. tcient reafon for the People to forfake the Church of England, and betake themfelves to the helps of a Separate Mini/lry, and form themfelves into Churches diflint from it. And if it be not a fufficicient reafon for the People todo this, You ought not, in confcience, to encourage them in doing it ; and therefore, this cannot be a fufficient jufti- fication of your Publick Minihrations. No Church upon Earth, in which there are force thoufands of Minihers, can poflibly efcape this Unhappinefs : And it is a little hard indeed, if, upon an un-