Hoadly - BX5136 H6

of CONFORMITY. unhappinefs wholly unavoidable , new and diftina Churches, with differing modes of Worfhip, muff be ereaed, for the improvement of the Knowledge, and the Deftruüion of the Love and Charity of the Chriflian People. But if ever any Church upon Earth may be faid to have taken care that the People lhall not fuller confiderably, or their Salva- tion be endanger'd, through this Incon- venience, certainly it muff he granted that the Church of England bath of feEtually done it. Were the Publick AQ'emblies indeed left to the foie Ma- nagement, and Guidance of the Minifler of the Parifh ; were the People to be ferved with nothing but what he could, and would, afford them ; were they to be entertained with Prayers wholly ac- cording to the Abilities, or the prelent Phancv, Invention, and Difpofition of their Minifler ; were He left to his Li- berty, whether he would read to them any part of God's Word, or not ; whe- ther He would ufe the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, the Ten Commandments, or not ; Were the Poor People in fuch a Cafe, un- der the Provifion of the Church of Eng- land? then, indeed, the Ignorance of their C 3 Mi.- 37