The Keafonablenef? Minder might be a deplorable misfor- tune to them. But God be thanked, The .Cafe is not fo, in the Church of England ; though it be, in the Churches let up in oppofition to it, and under pretence of greater Purity of Worship, and Edification of the People. But in our Church, the People have no neceffity of departing from the moli infuliOient Minifler You can eafily find. For the decencies,andeffentials of PublickWor/hip are fecured to them. They have Pray- ,. ers prepared for them, ferious.and pious; Prayers, which, if a Man bring a good heart along with Him, will be neither ufelefs, nor infipid ; fuch as are fit for the publick Addrefl^es of the Church to God, and fuch of You your felves will allow to be toleralle. They are füre of hear- ing the pure Word as God, in the read- ing of, which they may join, and from which, by a ferious Attention , they may reap (1 hope) as much Advantage as from any Humane Compofure what- ever. The Lord's Prayer, The Creed, The Ten Commandments, are conflantly part of their Entertainment on the Lord's Day ; which are Inflruc Lions to them, what it is proper for them to aJ k of