Hoadly - BX5136 H6

Of CO N P í01:11°T. ofGod; what it is necefTary for them to believe ; what it is their duty to prallife in order to Salvation. Thefe are no (mall, nor contemptible Advantages. And, I believe, Youcould not but beflow a very good charaaer on that Minifler, who thould provide fuch wholfom Food for his People, as a Minifier in the Efla- blifhed Church is under an obligation to bring forth to his Congregation every Lord's Day; nor could You think that a Pallour, who fhould dowhat was Equi- valent to this, inYour way, was lightly to be forfaken, or the Cafe of his Peo- ple to be reprefented as defperate. Be- fides, The People we are now fpeaking of, muff be fuppofed to be Perfons con- cerned for their Souls, and able to judge of the fufficiency of their !vÍinifler. if they be, they mutt be fenfible that thefe Advantages are, to a ferious Perfon, infinitely beyond the heft Sermon in the World; and their Salvation noten- dangered under fuch provifion. But if they be refolved not to hear any thing from one whom they imagine to be in- fuficient, where yet is the neccflïty of Tour Publick Miniltrations ? Are none of their neighbouring Efiablifbed Mi- C 4 ;lifters 9