Hoadly - BX5136 H6

412) The Reafonableneß ;ilers fufiicient Preachers enough for them? Can they find none that teach found doarine ? And, Is Preaching in fuck a defperate Condition in the Church of England, that afeparate Miniflry muff be fet up, and continued, for fear the Truth of God, and the Effentials of Sal- vation lhould perifh from the Earth? Ifit be not, and if thofe who complain of their Miniflers Infuffficiency, can be fupplied at a neighbouringChurch, with as little pains as many are at to go to feparate Congregations, and as much to their Advantage as at any of thefe feparate Congregations ; then there is no neceffity for the continuance of your Publick Mini/rations on this Account. And that they may be as well fupplied, is what, I believe, You will not, and, I am fore, You cannot reafonably, deny. Nay, I offer it to your Confideration, whether it be not credible, what I have ventured to fay, Secondly, That in the places where this Plea can be urged with the beff Grace, it is very great odds whether the People get any thing by forfaking their Parifh-Minrfler, and attendingupon thofe Minifiers who feparate from the E f14