of CoNi oRMIT'Y. Ellablifhed Church. You muff be very ignorant of the State of the Nation, or very much miflaken in your Notions of true Chriflian knowledge, if You think that this feparate Miniflry which You have encouraged throughout theNation, and now are pleading for, hath this ad- vantage over theEflablifhed MinifiryYou would heregive it. If I judge aright, the Country and the Parifhes at the greateíf diffance fromLondon, and other confider- able Towns, are (generally fpeaking) the places in which the People are moft likely to fuffer under infuicient Miniflers, and in which they can with the belt face cry out upon the Ignorance of their Teachers. What excellent judges the People in thefe places are, of the know- ledge and abilitiesoftheir Minifters, I need not fay. But however, If they be re- folved to forfake their own Minifler and not to be contented with Him, nor any other of the Efiablifhed Minifters about them, I may appealto your felves, whether it be probable, that they will meet with more Knowidge, and greater Abilities, in the feparate Minifiry com- monly found in fuch places. You muff be very 'partial to your own caufe, if