The R.eafonablene if You think fo. Were You to hear but force part of what might truly and juftly be affirmed of the grofs and intolerable Ignorance of many who are fet up for Preachers in a feparateway, in the Places I am fpeaking of; fuch an Ignorance as fills íäág° their Prayers (as Mr. Baxter defcribes the 96' performances of force in his time) with Carnal Paton, Selfifhnefs, Faéfion, Difor- der, Vain repetitions, unfound and loathfoine .Expre ions; and their Dollrine with Er- tours andConfufion; You would be fenfi- ble, that fuch a general encouragement ought not to be given to the People to forfake their Miniflers, whenever they pleafe to think them infufficient. And did You but call to mind (what You know to be true) how much the moil infu /icient are followed, and before what fort of Men they are often preferr'd, You would be more fenfible of this. And did You but confider ( what is matter 'of faát) that the moft fufficient of the feparate IVIrniflry are generally found where the moft fuficient of the EJ/abliJbed Miniflry are fettled ; and as it were oppofed and confronted to them and that the moft infujcient and moll ignorant ofthefëparate Miniflry are found where