of CONFORMITY. where the moft infufficient and moft ignorant of the Eflablifhed Miniflry are pretended to be, where there is moft occafion for the able and knowing; You would bluth to put us in mind of this, by urging fuch a Plea in defence of that feparate Miniflry You have fet up, and continue to plant, and encourage, throughout the Land. But .I muff not be fo unjuft to the EJL Lblifhed Church, as not to obferve the little likelyhood of any advantage to the People. in for- faking their Parzfh-Churches, and fre- quenting feparate Congregations ; even fuppofing their Eflablifhed Minifler truly infu/icient. For, As they leave an in[ujicient Minifler, fo it muff be re- membred,that they leavea PublickService excellently fitted for the Worfhìp of God. (the chief end of Publick 4fèmblies) and their own improvement in Knowledge and, Piety. They leave a Publick Service made up of ferious and devout Prayers and Praifes ; Sentences and Hymns in the very words ofScripture; Lefifons out ofthe Oldand New Teflament; the Lord's Prayer, Creed, andTen Commandments. But it feems,thePeople muff beencouraged to think this but a heavy, infipid feryice; of little 43