of CONF ORM ITY. ncgleEed the way fetled in the Church; and, when no neceffity urged, put your felves into the Minifiry in another man- ner, we cannot think it hard, that you íhould receive Orders in a regular ;vay. This will indeed be an acknowledgment that you have been in an esrour : but Purely this confideration will not weigh more with good Men than the Univerf al good, and the feryice you may do by giving fo publick a teftimony to Order, and Inftitution, and fo great a ftop to ir- regularity and confufion. Upon the whole, We think that, according to Mr. Baxter, We may infrf upon this; nay, and ought, as long as we are an Epifcopal Church. For it was his opinion (as is plain from the occafon of that Paper I have now re- ': fer'd to) that nothing but neceffity can excufe thofe who neglea. Epifcopal Ordi- naion ; and that their Irregular Ordinati- on, when there is no neceffity for it, is not approv'd by God. I confefs this argument fuppofes You to have no necefty laid up- onyou, which I fhall now fay fornewhat to. You know it is an eafy thing to plead nece /ty, and there is no end ofIrre- gularities, if any Necejfity be admitted but whet is moll apparent : for it is then only