Hoadly - BX5136 H6

212 The Reafnablenefs have given occafion to thefe inl1antes of Unchriflian behaviour, than Mr. Bax- ter path done. This makes it unnecef- fary for me to be more particular on this fubjea: And the thought of it makes me the more Parneftly entreat You to confider, whether any Separation can be more unnecefary than theSeparation of thofe, who acknowledge all things' required of them to be materially law ful : and a Separation founded upon a fewCircumlances, which, if they belong to Confiant Communion with this Church, belong to Confiant Communion with all other Churches ; and, if they prove a Separation from this Church neceffary prove a Separation for ever, from all other Churches, to be nectjJary. Refle&, there- fore, on the worft t.'irc;imflances that can po/Jibly attend upon Conflant Communion, and the word of thofe CircumJlances which will certainy attend upon Separa- tion; rellea upon the belt confequences of your Constant Communion, and the belt confequences of your Separation; and, if the Circumfiances of both be to determine your Choice, I (hall not doubt Et' your Confiant Communion with th Church tb abl n(}aed. To