Hoadly - BX5136 H6

of CONFORMITY. 213 To conclude this head, If the Cir- cumstances You have mentioned, do not make Constant Communion finful , as I verily think, I have fhewn ; then You profefs, that You think , You ought con.Ftantly to communicate, as You now do occafionaly. And therefore, I hope, You will as agreeably to that profeífion. And again, The certain and unavoidable confequences of your feparation , are worfe than the poijible confequences of your Confiant Communion ; and, there- fore, I hope, you will prefer CConfiant Communion , fuppoling there be forne pofble inconveniences in it, before fepar- tion; the inconveniences of which we All agree to be met certain, and moll pernicious to the Chri.Ftian Caufe in ge- neral,and to the Refermed Religion in par- ticular. I have heartily endeavoured to fet this matter in a due light, and fo leaveit to your own Confciences, whe- ther your Practice be to be defended, or reformed. But, if all that I have faid will not move You ; at leafy, confider, whether You do well, to proclaim to the world, fo often, your readinefs to Conferrsm; and to appeal to all mankind, to judge how Q 3 zealous