Hoadly - BX5136 H6

214. The Reafonablenefs zealous You have been for Peace and Vnity ; when, here it Rands upon record againft You, that You will not fo much as do what You lawfully, and with `a fafe confcience, may, towards the glorious end, which, You fay, is always in your eye : And, that You have been fo far from being inclined to Gonforrnity, that (not being able to deny it to be materially lawful) You have cloathed it with fuch Circumllances in order to make it appear unlawful another way) as are a con- tradiktion to the Principles, and Practice of your Pre lecefors ; a Condemnation of we refent behaviour of your felves, who feparate, and yet occa(ionally commu- nicate ; a terrible charge againft thofe numbers of your Brethren, and People, who never do ; a prejudice to all the Churches in the world ; an eternalBar to our own `Unity and Concora ; and a loofe encouragement to all Difcord, and the Mort groundlefs Separations. But I hope that neither your being already engaged in this CauJè, nor any other motive in the world, can prevail with You to neg- let fuck coniideratìons as thefe. You are very free in declaring, that the whole guilt of our Divifions muff lie