Hoadly - BX5136 H6

OfCONFORM1TY. 2 j lie upon thole who have impofed Terms of Communion, and fill adhere to the Impofation of them. But, fuppofing the impofition of thefe Terms to be blame- able, let all the world judge, whether as great a part of the guilt of our Di- vifans be not julfly to be laid upon thole, who acknowledge the things impofed to be, in themfelves, larvful ; and yet love not Peace and 'Unity fo well, as to fub- mit to them. For, As, on the one fide, they prefer the Injunction of force things of lets moment, before Concord; fo, on the other fide, You prefer oppoßtion to the injunction of what is not tinful, before Concord. As They refufe to lay afide what they acknowledge to be, in it fell, unneceffary, for the fake of a clofer `Union amongft Protefiants ; fo, You refufe to comply with what You acknowledge to be, in it felf, lawful, for the fake of that fo much defired `Union. As they bear their teflimony againft all Diforder, and unneceffary Separation, by adhering to their Impofitions, at theexpenfe of Love, and Peace ; fo You bear your tefrimony againft all unneceffary Impofitions by forming a Separation, at the expenfe of the fame precious, and invaluable goods. 04 And 5 4