Hoadly - BX5136 H6

a 16 The Reafonablene f And, where is the mighty difference be- tween your Principles and theirs ; or, between the Confequences, in which both end ; or the Reafons on which both are founded ? They will not unite with you, unlefs eu will come up to them. and you will not unite with them, unlefs they will come down toyou: whin}, in the mean time, They acknowledge it materially lawful to yield to you; andyou acknowledge it ma- terially lawful to comply with Them. This, then, is the profeffed Principle both of T4ená; and You, That it is not reafonable to cl`o a thingmaterially lawful, for the fake of Publick Concord and `Unity. And, if there be any guilt in this Principle, you muff both equally libare in it. As for the Confiquences, in which both your Principle and theirs naturally ends, they muff be the farne, becaufe the Prin- ciple is the fame. There can be no `Union; There muff be Divifon ; unlefs this Prin- ciple begivenup, either by Themor You ; and the only way left by which the World can he determined, whether of you have the greater regard to Peace and minion, is by obferving, which of you will 'firft recede from this Principle. If They