Hoadly - BX5136 H6

of CONFORMITY. 217 They should recede from this Principle to meet You; you have no way left, in which it is poffible for You to convince the World, that You delired an Agree- ment, as much as they did. And if Tot recede from it to joyn withThem ; all the World muff own, that Your Love and Deere of Concord is greater than Theirs. And you cannot prove this by any other Argument imaginable. And fo the Con- teft now between you feems to be this, whichof you (hall moft ftiffly adhere to the fame Principle ; and which of You íhall moft obLl ínately refit all hopes of Peace, and `Unity. Proceed in this glorious ftrife ; and guide your Practice by the Principle you fomuch hate, and condemn in others ; and fee, what will be the blefred Fruits of it, and who will moft rejoyce at it : But remember, that you can no more defend it inyourfelves, than you can bear with it in others. And con- fider, what a wretched eftate a Church and Nation are core to, when they that bate thePeace and Profperity of them will compafs Sea and Land, and doall unlawful things to dif'urb and ruin them; and they that pretend moft toLove, and delire their Peace, and Profperity, will not doall lawful