Hoadly - BX5136 H6

218 The Reafnablenefs lawful things topurchafe them, or facrifice the least part oftheir own Scheme to them. What is Chriflian Moderation, unlefs it be a temper of Mind, difpofing us to yield up Matters of lesser Consideration, to thegreat Concerns of Love and Vnity ? Or, Is it only a word, to be ufed, by f ome, when it will ferve a purpofe ; and, after that, to be-ridiculed, and expofed : And by others to amufe the World in a Difputation , and make People think them the only Moderate Perfons : whip neither the one fort, nor the other will yield an Inch of their ground? What a Melancholy Profpe& mutt it afford us, to fee the faint Difpofitions there are, on all fides, to this Chri lian Grace ; when we confider, that nothing but this can reflore 'Unity and Happinefs to a divided Church, and Nation. And, that you may be the more ready to incline to thoughts of `ZJnion, and to reap the glory of filch a Compliance, as I am now preffing upon you : I (hall put you in mind, that, as the Principle, on whichyour Separation is founded, is the fame with that, on which others found their Refolution of not yielding, in any thing, to your demands ;; and as the Con- 1equences.