Hoadly - BX5136 H6

ofCONFORMITY. 2T9 fequences of it are the fame ; fothe Reafons for their not yielding to Tou, are much the fame with your Keafons for not con- /laxlyCommunicating with them ; andare taken, not from any thing unlawful in it felf,but from forneCircunifiances attending upon it, exaaly anfwering to thofe Cir- cumflances which youhave fixedupon Con- .ftant Communion. And this may help to make you fenfible, that They have, at leaf, as much R.eafon to expe& your Compli- ance, and Confiant Communion, as You have to expea their Compliance and Acceptance of your Propofitions. For in`3ance, As, ConftantCommunion repreftints the Worfhip of the Church of England as eligible, and preferable, which is contrary to your inward fenfe ; and therefore, is unlawful: fo, their Compliance with you, would reprefent the Church of England as wanting Reformation in all thofe particulars which you infifl upon, which is contrary to their inwardfenfe ; and, therefore, is unlawful. As, ConflantCorn- munion practically betrays your Liberty, in compliance with Rigorous Impofers, and, appears to acquit EccleTafiical Affumers ;and therefore, is unla,aful: So, their Compli- ance with you would practically betray the Authority of Governours, in compliance.with Vnrea-