Hoadly - BX5136 H6

220 TheReafonablenef `Unreafonable Separatios, and, wouldappear to acquit thofe that had beforefeparatedfrom the Church ; and therefore, is unlawful. As, Confant Communion intimates, as if Divine Worfbip were not acceptable without the Formalities enjoyned in the Church of England, and reprefents Chrifi's own Infti- tution as defective, and not orderly, or decent, without thefe Additions ; and, therefore, is unlawful : So, their Compliance with you, in the Alteration of thefe Formalities, and ., dditions, would intimate, as if Divine 14/orfbip were not as acceptablewith them, as without them ; and, as ifChrift's own Irn- flitution had received fome injuryfrom them, and been depraved by them ; which is not true : And, therefore their Compliance is as unlawful, as your Confiant Communion. As Confiant Communion is a practical di,: owning and condemning other worfhipping Afemblies ; and, therefore, is unlawful fo their Compliance with you, in your de- manded Alterations, wouldbe a difowning and condemning. the Church of England, is it was before, and, an acquitting other Wore hjppïng íl f emblies that hadfeparated from it, as if they had had Reafön an their fide; and terefore, is unlawful. And if thefe Cir7 ctl3rianCe5, as you fay, rake Constant Commis-