Hoadly - BX5136 H6

OfCONFORMITV. 221 Communion unlawul, tho' it be materially lawful, and conduce highly to our Pub- lick Peace and Concord; then, you muff grant, that the Circumftances which I have here reckoned up, do make fuch a Com- pliance as you require, unlawful; tho' it be materially lawful, and very much conduce to our Peace and Concord. And fo, your Confiant Communion withThem, is as law- ful, as their Compliance with You can be; becaufe their Compliance with You, you fee, is as unlawful, as your Confiant Com- munion with Them. That is, in truth, Neither the one, nor the other, is any more unlawful, than the greateíl Duties in the Chri/lian Religion are. But, indeed this Doctrine of Circumflances, when ap- plied to a Prat-lice of fuch moment as Confiant Communion with an Eflablij.Led Church, ferves only to perplex, and oh- fcure a very weighty and plain Duty ; as, you fee, on the other fide, that this fame DoErine, when applied to a thing of fuch moment as a Compliance with You, only tends to confound, and render in- tricate, what is, in your Opinions, not only lanful, but a molt ufeful and ne- ceffary Duty. , Yil-.o i s