Hoadly - BX5136 H6

Of CONFORMITY. 223 glorious, becaufe it could not then be the leaft demonfrration; that yon had any res. gard toPeace,whereas it would be now the greateft. There remain therefore only two ways, by which you can fairly make good, what you fo frequently profefs, That you truly delire Concord and 'Unit/. Either you mutt be willing to comply, and conflantly Communicate upon the granting force part of your Scheme ; or you muí't comply, as affairs {land at pre - fent. Now, fuppofing force part of your demands granted, it is eafie to Thew you, that the fameCircumftances would accom- panyConftantCommunion then, which,yoi fay, make it unlawful now ; and any one may fee it at firif view. And yet, taking it for granted,that you would be Con,/ tho' yourScheme were not entirely accepted ; I argue, that,if yourCon- ftantCommunionwould be lawful then,it is fo now. And from all this, I may, I think, fafely conclude, Either, that your Conf`an Communion would not be at any time, and upon any fuppofitions,lawfùl; or, that it is now laaful. Theformer of thefe You will not allow ; therefore, You ought to allow the latter : And if You allow the latter, You muft ConftantjCornrnunicatewith the £ftabijb iÍ 1