Hoadly - BX5136 H6

224. The Reafnablener EFtablifbed Church ; if it be true, that no thing, but the Vnlawfulnefs of the Prac- tice, hath hitherto kept you from it. At lea(t, it is but a Reafonable Requeft to you, Either leave of to lament our Breaches, and to exclaim againft Thofe, who will not heal them, by a Compliance withYou, which is materially lawful: or, do you Yourfelves heal them, by a Conpliance with Them, which you acknowledge to be materially lawful. But you often tell us, as a Reafon for your Separation, that the waiting Time was over, and all hopes of Amendments at an end. And, accordingly, you have now tried Forty Years Separation, to fee , if this would procure any Alterations. And what hath your Experience taught you ? Do not you complain to this Day, that there is not the lean inclination in the Church Men, to admit a farther Reforma- tion? Why then will not you try the ways of Peace and Unity once more ? which are at leaft as likely to end in a greater Perjeclion, as the ways of Separa- tion : And, I believe, much more fo. And, if therebe not yet, after all your Trials, any hopes appearing of what, you fay, you are labouringafter; I am of opini- on,