Hoadly - BX5136 H6

ofCONFORMITY. on, that there cannot be a greater in- ducement to you, now to comply, than this is. For, if there he no hopes ofother Men's Compliancewithyou, theo,there are no hopes left of Peace, and `Unity, without your Compliance with Them. And, there fore, if Peace and `Unity be any thing more than Words; the Confideration, that they are now to be purchafed only by your Confiant Communion,ought not to fet you againfc it, but toengage you to it ; unlefs it be too great an infiance of Condefienfon, to facrifice the leafs mat- ters to fuch Confiderations. But, I pray God to forgive thofe, who think that a hardfhip and grievance, which they ought to efteem one of the greateí honours they are capable of, on this fide Heaven. For, when can it be more truly honourable for you to Conform, than when it is vifible, that you comply withothers becaufe They will not comply with Tou and,whenyoudemonflrate,by thismeans, that yon have a greater regard to Peace, and Vnity, than They have ? And, now, after You have-faid all that is poffible in the Vindication ofyour Sept. ration,and after IhavePaid all this toprove it tobe wnecefay; it imports nothing, ei- P they 115 MMENNISIMMINammassolfilill