Hoadly - BX5136 H6

Of CONFORMITY. could, I muff put you in mind, that His Authority would fignifie no more when alleged for You, than You would allow it to fignifie, were it alleged againjt You. That Great Man fays, indeed, that the word Schifm is often fo ufed, That it is only a Theological Scare..crow : but He fays alfo, That it is a deadly Crime, where it is not by imputation but in deed. He fags, in- deed, that where caufe ofSchifin isnat./Pry, there not He that Separates, but he that occafions the Separation, is the Schifrnatick ; But He fays alfo, in fo many Words, That in Sehifrns, which concern Fas, no- thing can be ajuJt caufe ofrefillal ofCornmu, nion, but- onlyto require the execution of föme unlawful, or fufpected Aft ; that is, no thing but what renders Occafional Commu- nion unlawful, as well as Conjlant Cam,. munion. And from hence it is plain, that He never 'fo much as dreamt of a Separa- tion joyned with Occafional Communion ; and little thought, that Conflant Commam nion with a Church, which loth not require the execution ofany 4 t, which you think, or fufpe to be unlayafirl, could be rendered finful, by fuch CircumJlances as youhave fixed upon it. If there were any thing neccifary to your C;ommunion,ch'ith P thq s27 w