The Reafonablenefs the Church ofEngland, which you did butfufpel tobe unlawful, this would hin- der your OccafonalCommunion, as effeau- ally, as your Confiant Communion. But you are thoroughly fatisñed, That Come munion with this Church, is materially law- ful ; and, therefore, you are as much condemned by Mr. Hales, as by any one; who, tho' He excufe thofe who judge, or fufpea it to be materially unlawful, yet He abfolutely condemns both your _Prins ciples, and Praaiceo He Pays indeed,That when either falfe, or uncertain Conclu(ions are obtruded for Truth ; and Ads Either unlawful,or minifiringjufffcruple,are requir- ed of us to be performed: In theft Cafes, Content were Confpiracy, and open contefta- - pion is not Faction or Schifm but due Chriftian Ani,rnofity : And that it is alike unlawful to makeprofeffion of known, orfuf- paledfalfhoods, as to put inprac`lice unlaw- ful, orfufpatedActions. But what is this toyou, who allow Communion with our Church to be materially lawful; and con- fequently, who acknowledge, that, in order to it, you are neither required to makeprofeJ don ofknown, or fufpeffed J/ Pods ; or toput in practice unlawful orfuf peer .4clsow? Another Principle I findat- çribute