OfCONFORMITY. 229 tributed to Him, Abridg. p. 647. That ifthingsbe impofed, under thenotionof indif- ferent , which many think Jinja , and a Schifmfollow thereupon, the Impofers are the Schifmaticks : which I do not find fo ex- preffed by Himfelf ; and, if too ffriEly underftood,I am certain, is contraryboth to his Principles, andyours. But, granting this to beHis Principle, what ifthings be impofed, whichare not thoughtfinfel, and a Schifmfollow ? Will this Principle excufe the Separation of thofe who think that the things impofed are not fanful, as you do ? But I with that, inflead of picking a Sentence, or Two, out of his Writings, you would ferioufly confider what there is to be found in them irreconcileable to your Praaice. For then, you might per- haps be fenfihíß, That, as it is a fault in Superiours, not to yield, in a matter of fmall Concern, to the imbecilities of lnfè- riours ; fo it is, much more, in Inferiours, not toyield, in Points materially lawful, to the Authority of Superiours. And, fure, you could not be fo fond of charging the guilt of your Schifm, on the fide of the Impofers, upon his Authority, when you find it tobe his Opinion, that there are Sdhfms, in which both Parts are theSchifp 4 3 rn4ticks9