, 30 The RNfonablenef. maticks ; and remember, that as They will -not yield up, w'lat they grant not to be neceffary ; fo You will not pra±ice what you grant not to be Gnful ; and that You, as well as They, will not do what You acknowledge to be materially lawful, in order to put an end to this Schi often inlnuat.e, that your Separa- tion from the Church of England is founded upon the fame Arguments, on which the Separation of the Church of -England from the Church of Rome is founded. But I wonder with what ¡office this can be laid by You , who think that nothing is required in the Church of England, but what is materially lawful. For, Did any of our Reformers think it materially lawful tojoyn in Publick worfhipwith that Church ? ß:'ìd ever any ofthem occa fonally communicate with it, and argue againff Confiant \Communnion, not from any thing unlawful in the thing it felf, but, from force imagined Circumflances, equally applicable to other parts of their Practice? If they did not, then Your Separation is not founded upon the principles, on which The) feparated. And You ought, in jui ice, either to give up fucll Pea oning s as thefe, or, fairly