Hoadly - BX5136 H6

OfCO11FORMI 'Y. 131 fairly to acknowledge, that the Protefiant feparation from the Church of Rome, was built upon foundations wholly different from thole, on which Your Separation from the Church of England is built. But it is time for me to conclude. I had a defign of adding fome few Con- fiderations more relating to Tonle other Parts of Mr C>2lamy's Book, and the Methods there taken for the fupporting, and ef'ablifhing ycur Caufe But I have already run out into a greater length, than I thought of, in fpeaking to what is more material to the great point be- tween Us and, I am Pure, You will agree with me, either, that I have al- ready faid what is fufñcient to recom- mend Conformity to You ; or, that no- thing, that I could farther allege, would H fignify any thing towards it. owever, If there be any thing in any part of that Book, which I have not regarded ; or any thing, which You can add to what hath been already alleged ; on which You will fay that your Caufe doth in the leaf' depend : I promde, that I will give it all due coníderation. In the mean while, give me leave to think, that I have advanced fomething, in