( 58) Peace, and Love, amongft Chriflians If it be your indifpenfable Duty to do what you-can towards this End, howe- ver others negleE it, and difregard it; If you can, by your Conformity, highly confult the Edification of the wholeChri. giara Church, without negleaing your own, or endangering your Salvation ; Ifneither true Chriftian Moderation, nor a Catholick, and Charitable Spirit, nor Z.gal againíl Impofi'tions, include in them any thing inconG(lent withConflant Con- . fortuity : Let the Honour of that Name by which you are called; and theSenfe of thofe Mifchiefs we feel fromour mifera- ble Divifions, and Di[linaions, move you to the Praaiceof it. Call to mind the Beauty, and Glory of a compliant Temper ; and think how unbecoming you are apt to judge it in others, that they will not yield up the contefted Points for the fake of Peace. Look out into the World, and fee what Heat and Fury our Religious Diflirt lions acid to all other Contefts ; howmuch unbecom- ing Paífion they caufe arnongft your felves, and amoogft others who oppote yod i hpw fatally they turn the Edges and